Covid WiztechCovidWiztech
Colombo,Western Province,10350Sri Lanka
Last Updated at: 2024-04-13 01:05:03

Latest Updates on Covid19 |

Below are some of the latest updates on Covid19 in other terms the news feed of our website. Also following describe what are the countries that has been updated as the main point and how frequently the data has been updated. Below the main point it give the total confirmed cases, recoveries as well as the deaths of the respective country.

Less than an hour ago

18117 hour ago
  • Laos, Taiwan data updated.
    • Laos Confirmed Cased increased to 210,307. Active cases 209,550 Total Recovered 0 Total Deaths 757.
    • Taiwan Confirmed Cased increased to 3,870,528. Active cases 933,128 Total Recovered 2,930,444 Total Deaths 6,956.

    18118 hour ago
  • Mexico data updated.
    • Mexico Confirmed Cased increased to 6,083,299. Active cases 544,566 Total Recovered 5,212,958 Total Deaths 325,775.

    18118 hour ago
  • Uzbekistan data updated.
    • Uzbekistan Confirmed Cased increased to 241,040. Active cases 1,212 Total Recovered 238,191 Total Deaths 1,637.

    18118 hour ago
  • Cambodia, Germany, Kazakhstan data updated.
    • Cambodia Confirmed Cased increased to 136,296. Active cases 34 Total Recovered 133,206 Total Deaths 3,056.
    • Germany Confirmed Cased increased to 28,392,629. Active cases 1,508,537 Total Recovered 26,742,800 Total Deaths 141,292.
    • Kazakhstan Confirmed Cased increased to 1,306,984. Active cases 894 Total Recovered 1,292,427 Total Deaths 13,663.

    18118 hour ago
  • Australia data updated.
    • Australia Confirmed Cased increased to 8,225,124. Active cases 253,926 Total Recovered 7,961,184 Total Deaths 10,014.

    18119 hour ago
  • Panama data updated.
    • Panama Confirmed Cased increased to 924,328. Active cases 14,513 Total Recovered 901,445 Total Deaths 8,370.

    18119 hour ago
  • India data updated.
    • India Confirmed Cased increased to 43,502,429. Active cases 111,711 Total Recovered 42,865,519 Total Deaths 525,199.

    18119 hour ago
  • Pakistan data updated.
    • Pakistan Confirmed Cased increased to 1,537,947. Active cases 7,905 Total Recovered 1,499,641 Total Deaths 30,401.

    18120 hour ago
  • Japan data updated.
    • Japan Confirmed Cased increased to 9,375,972. Active cases 178,744 Total Recovered 9,165,920 Total Deaths 31,308.

    18121 hour ago
  • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) data updated.
    • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Confirmed Cased increased to 526,688. Active cases 2,173 Total Recovered 518,780 Total Deaths 5,735.

    18122 hour ago
  • Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, China, Ecuador, France, Korea (Republic of), Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland data updated.
    • Argentina Confirmed Cased increased to 9,367,172. Active cases 64,244 Total Recovered 9,173,858 Total Deaths 129,070.
    • Australia Confirmed Cased increased to 8,217,094. Active cases 301,991 Total Recovered 7,905,095 Total Deaths 10,008.
    • Belgium Confirmed Cased increased to 4,246,078. Active cases 87,324 Total Recovered 4,126,836 Total Deaths 31,918.
    • Chile Confirmed Cased increased to 4,013,903. Active cases 293,569 Total Recovered 3,661,771 Total Deaths 58,563.
    • China Confirmed Cased increased to 225,851. Active cases 510 Total Recovered 220,115 Total Deaths 5,226.
    • Ecuador Confirmed Cased increased to 909,882. Active cases 14,824 Total Recovered 859,333 Total Deaths 35,725.
    • France Confirmed Cased increased to 31,208,925. Active cases 1,359,006 Total Recovered 29,700,334 Total Deaths 149,585.
    • Korea (Republic of) Confirmed Cased increased to 18,389,611. Active cases 141,124 Total Recovered 18,223,917 Total Deaths 24,570.
    • Netherlands Confirmed Cased increased to 8,190,255. Active cases 101,479 Total Recovered 8,066,396 Total Deaths 22,380.
    • New Zealand Confirmed Cased increased to 1,357,862. Active cases 49,484 Total Recovered 1,306,873 Total Deaths 1,505.
    • Peru Confirmed Cased increased to 3,634,918. Active cases 35,417 Total Recovered 3,385,956 Total Deaths 213,545.
    • Portugal Confirmed Cased increased to 5,171,236. Active cases 352,611 Total Recovered 4,794,476 Total Deaths 24,149.
    • Slovakia Confirmed Cased increased to 1,797,131. Active cases 4,928 Total Recovered 1,772,054 Total Deaths 20,149.
    • Switzerland Confirmed Cased increased to 3,741,859. Active cases 80,289 Total Recovered 3,647,586 Total Deaths 13,984.
    • Taiwan Confirmed Cased increased to 3,837,856. Active cases 945,603 Total Recovered 2,885,385 Total Deaths 6,868.
    • Thailand Confirmed Cased increased to 4,530,105. Active cases 24,986 Total Recovered 4,474,416 Total Deaths 30,703.
    • Ukraine Confirmed Cased increased to 5,018,019. Active cases 2,710 Total Recovered 4,906,653 Total Deaths 108,656.
    • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Confirmed Cased increased to 22,741,065. Active cases 402,061 Total Recovered 22,158,587 Total Deaths 180,417.

    18122 hour ago
  • Peru data updated.
    • Peru Confirmed Cased increased to 3,634,918. Active cases 35,398 Total Recovered 3,385,975 Total Deaths 213,545.

    18122 hour ago
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis data updated.
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis Confirmed Cased increased to 6,157. Active cases 213 Total Recovered 5,901 Total Deaths 43.

    18122 hour ago
  • Antigua and Barbuda data updated.
    • Antigua and Barbuda Confirmed Cased increased to 8,665. Active cases 38 Total Recovered 8,486 Total Deaths 141.

    18122 hour ago
  • Saint Lucia data updated.
    • Saint Lucia Confirmed Cased increased to 27,094. Active cases 152 Total Recovered 26,559 Total Deaths 383.

    18122 hour ago
  • Bahamas data updated.
    • Bahamas Confirmed Cased increased to 35,994. Active cases 777 Total Recovered 34,399 Total Deaths 818.

    18123 hour ago
  • Curaçao data updated.
    • Curaçao Confirmed Cased increased to 44,545. Active cases 145 Total Recovered 44,122 Total Deaths 278.

    18123 hour ago
  • Guyana data updated.
    • Guyana Confirmed Cased increased to 67,591. Active cases 870 Total Recovered 65,466 Total Deaths 1,255.

    18123 hour ago
  • Côte d'Ivoire data updated.
    • Côte d'Ivoire Confirmed Cased increased to 83,637. Active cases 543 Total Recovered 82,289 Total Deaths 805.

    18123 hour ago
  • Barbados data updated.
    • Barbados Confirmed Cased increased to 84,709. Active cases 1,442 Total Recovered 82,790 Total Deaths 477.

    18123 hour ago
  • Rwanda, Senegal data updated.
    • Rwanda Confirmed Cased increased to 131,154. Active cases 84,172 Total Recovered 45,522 Total Deaths 1,460.
    • Senegal Confirmed Cased increased to 86,348. Active cases 32 Total Recovered 84,348 Total Deaths 1,968.

    18123 hour ago
  • Jamaica, Uganda data updated.
    • Jamaica Confirmed Cased increased to 143,097. Active cases 48,856 Total Recovered 91,107 Total Deaths 3,134.
    • Uganda Confirmed Cased increased to 167,876. Active cases 63,843 Total Recovered 100,412 Total Deaths 3,621.

    18123 hour ago
  • Trinidad and Tobago data updated.
    • Trinidad and Tobago Confirmed Cased increased to 167,440. Active cases 6,394 Total Recovered 157,033 Total Deaths 4,013.

    18123 hour ago
  • Mozambique data updated.
    • Mozambique Confirmed Cased increased to 228,130. Active cases 477 Total Recovered 225,441 Total Deaths 2,212.

    18123 hour ago
  • Nigeria data updated.
    • Nigeria Confirmed Cased increased to 257,637. Active cases 4,206 Total Recovered 250,287 Total Deaths 3,144.

    18124 hour ago
  • Bahrain, United States of America data updated.
    • Bahrain Confirmed Cased increased to 628,743. Active cases 13,817 Total Recovered 613,432 Total Deaths 1,494.
    • United States of America Confirmed Cased increased to 89,522,328. Active cases 3,468,679 Total Recovered 85,010,341 Total Deaths 1,043,308.

    18124 hour ago
  • United States of America data updated.
    • United States of America Confirmed Cased increased to 89,522,328. Active cases 3,474,167 Total Recovered 85,004,853 Total Deaths 1,043,308.

    18124 hour ago
  • Ecuador, Guatemala data updated.
    • Ecuador Confirmed Cased increased to 909,882. Active cases 1,520 Total Recovered 857,971 Total Deaths 35,725.
    • Guatemala Confirmed Cased increased to 918,797. Active cases 41,987 Total Recovered 858,219 Total Deaths 18,591.

    18124 hour ago
  • Iraq, Norway data updated.
    • Iraq Confirmed Cased increased to 2,353,900. Active cases 18,345 Total Recovered 2,310,312 Total Deaths 25,243.
    • Norway Confirmed Cased increased to 1,448,116. Active cases 9,303 Total Recovered 1,435,476 Total Deaths 3,337.

    18124 hour ago
  • Bulgaria data updated.
    • Bulgaria Confirmed Cased increased to 1,173,091. Active cases 59,814 Total Recovered 1,076,020 Total Deaths 37,257.

    18126 hour ago
  • Malaysia data updated.
    • Malaysia Confirmed Cased increased to 4,571,355. Active cases 30,385 Total Recovered 4,505,199 Total Deaths 35,771.

    18126 hour ago
  • Albania, Brazil data updated.
    • Albania Confirmed Cased increased to 282,141. Active cases 3,685 Total Recovered 274,955 Total Deaths 3,501.
    • Brazil Confirmed Cased increased to 32,471,847. Active cases 926,313 Total Recovered 30,873,682 Total Deaths 671,852.

    18127 hour ago
  • India data updated.
    • India Confirmed Cased increased to 43,500,504. Active cases 123,746 Total Recovered 42,851,590 Total Deaths 525,168.

    18127 hour ago
  • Algeria data updated.
    • Algeria Confirmed Cased increased to 266,115. Active cases 80,678 Total Recovered 178,562 Total Deaths 6,875.

    18127 hour ago
  • Lebanon data updated.
    • Lebanon Confirmed Cased increased to 1,114,814. Active cases 16,760 Total Recovered 1,087,587 Total Deaths 10,467.

    18127 hour ago
  • Sierra Leone data updated.
    • Sierra Leone Confirmed Cased increased to 7,702. Active cases 7,577 Total Recovered 0 Total Deaths 125.

    18127 hour ago
  • Mauritania, Singapore data updated.
    • Mauritania Confirmed Cased increased to 60,127. Active cases 822 Total Recovered 58,321 Total Deaths 984.
    • Singapore Confirmed Cased increased to 1,461,107. Active cases 98,407 Total Recovered 1,361,284 Total Deaths 1,416.

    18128 hour ago
  • United States of America data updated.
    • United States of America Confirmed Cased increased to 89,515,140. Active cases 3,466,984 Total Recovered 85,004,853 Total Deaths 1,043,303.

    18128 hour ago
  • Monaco data updated.
    • Monaco Confirmed Cased increased to 13,100. Active cases 242 Total Recovered 12,801 Total Deaths 57.

    18128 hour ago
  • Mali data updated.
    • Mali Confirmed Cased increased to 31,171. Active cases 100 Total Recovered 30,334 Total Deaths 737.

    18128 hour ago
  • Malawi data updated.
    • Malawi Confirmed Cased increased to 86,565. Active cases 740 Total Recovered 83,179 Total Deaths 2,646.

    18128 hour ago
  • Ethiopia data updated.
    • Ethiopia Confirmed Cased increased to 489,255. Active cases 18,403 Total Recovered 463,314 Total Deaths 7,538.

    18128 hour ago
  • Cabo Verde, Swaziland, South Africa data updated.
    • Cabo Verde Confirmed Cased increased to 60,940. Active cases 1,338 Total Recovered 59,197 Total Deaths 405.
    • Swaziland Confirmed Cased increased to 73,133. Active cases 76 Total Recovered 71,641 Total Deaths 1,416.
    • South Africa Confirmed Cased increased to 3,995,065. Active cases 9,542 Total Recovered 3,883,712 Total Deaths 101,811.

    18129 hour ago
  • Montserrat data updated.
    • Montserrat Confirmed Cased increased to 1,018. Active cases 1,010 Total Recovered 0 Total Deaths 8.

    18129 hour ago
  • Montenegro data updated.
    • Montenegro Confirmed Cased increased to 240,743. Active cases 1,692 Total Recovered 236,322 Total Deaths 2,729.

    18129 hour ago
  • Sri Lanka, Mayotte data updated.
    • Sri Lanka Confirmed Cased increased to 664,150. Active cases 594 Total Recovered 647,035 Total Deaths 16,521.
    • Mayotte Confirmed Cased increased to 37,523. Active cases 37,336 Total Recovered 0 Total Deaths 187.

    18130 hour ago
  • Morocco data updated.
    • Morocco Confirmed Cased increased to 1,223,585. Active cases 26,849 Total Recovered 1,180,620 Total Deaths 16,116.

    18130 hour ago
  • Serbia data updated.
    • Serbia Confirmed Cased increased to 2,031,171. Active cases 10,216 Total Recovered 2,004,826 Total Deaths 16,129.

    18130 hour ago
  • Chile data updated.
    • Chile Confirmed Cased increased to 4,013,903. Active cases 293,531 Total Recovered 3,661,809 Total Deaths 58,563.

    18131 hour ago
  • Italy data updated.
    • Italy Confirmed Cased increased to 18,695,954. Active cases 965,568 Total Recovered 17,561,902 Total Deaths 168,484.

    18133 hour ago
  • Myanmar data updated.
    • Myanmar Confirmed Cased increased to 613,642. Active cases 1,634 Total Recovered 592,574 Total Deaths 19,434.

    18133 hour ago
  • Greece data updated.
    • Greece Confirmed Cased increased to 3,708,210. Active cases 158,240 Total Recovered 3,519,694 Total Deaths 30,276.

    18133 hour ago
  • Chile data updated.
    • Chile Confirmed Cased increased to 4,002,538. Active cases 282,204 Total Recovered 3,661,809 Total Deaths 58,525.

    18133 hour ago
  • Cuba data updated.
    • Cuba Confirmed Cased increased to 1,106,087. Active cases 184 Total Recovered 1,097,374 Total Deaths 8,529.

    18133 hour ago
  • Kenya data updated.
    • Kenya Confirmed Cased increased to 334,249. Active cases 3,768 Total Recovered 324,826 Total Deaths 5,655.

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